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Learning Intention
Stork tag combines running with cooperative throwing and catching. It also requires players to be aware of others and emphasises space finding.
Band Level
3 - 4, 5 - 6, Warm Up, Skill Development
Content Description
Skill Focus
Catching, Tagging, Throwing
- 3 foam balls per group
- 5 marker cones per group
- Play with 8 or more.
- Start with 2 taggers for each group of 8.
- Taggers chase runners with a ball.
- If runners are tagged, they have to stand on the spot in a stork stance.
- A tagged runner can be freed by a fellow runner by exchanging a ball with an underarm throw.
- Either a stork or a free runner can throw the ball.
- The game stops after a set period of time or when all runners are tagged.
Change It...
- Use only 1 ball which taggers must throw among themselves to corner a player to make a tag. Storks become free by another player touching them on the shoulder.
- Make the playing area smaller to allow the tagger to catch more players
- Taggers cannot move their feet when they have the ball
- What kind of moves do we have to make to avoid being tagged?
- What can we do to make this activity easier or harder?