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Learning Intention
Field hit is a modified game of softball that builds on striking and fielding skills and encourages teamwork and thoughtful placement of the ball. It provides a good introduction to softball.
Band Level
3 - 4, 5 - 6, Skill Development
Content Description
Skill Focus
Fielding, Shot Placement, Striking, Teamwork, Throwing
- 1 batting tee per group
- 1 bat per group
- 4 foam balls or similar per group
- 1 batter and 4 dispersed fielders.
- The batter hits the ball off the batting tee into the playing area.
- Fielders field the ball and throw it to the player on 2nd base.
- Rotate positions in the field regularly.
- The batter scores 1 run for each base reached.
Change It...
- Use a larger, softer ball and bat
- Players kick the ball into play
- Batters attempt to run to 1st base before the player on 2nd base receives the ball
- The ball has to be passed by all fielders before the ball is thrown to 2nd base
- Ensure a safe distance is kept around the batter at all times
- The player at 2nd base rolls the ball back to the coach standing at the batting tee
- Ensure all players in the field are ready prior to the ball being hit
- What can you do as a team to stop the ball passing you?
- What type of throw will be the most accurate?